Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Nicole Scherzinger is out for Season Two of ‘X Factor’

Nicole Scherzinger is out for Season Two of ‘X Factor’ and will not Return back.
“She wants to focus on her music career,” a source tells Marc. “She’s spoken to Simon [Cowell] and he’s given her his blessing.”

“X Factor took a lot more of her time than she ever expected,” added Malkin’s insider. “She didn’t have any time really to work on her music. She was doing X Factor six days a week.”

Nicole Scherzinger is out for Season Two of X Factor

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Gabrielle Wortman Debuts ‘VooDoo Love’

Gabrielle Wortman is back with a new song in 2012! Check out the video

Gabrielle Wortman Debuts VooDoo Love

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Happy 31st Birthday! Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake turns 31st today!
XnYs and its members wishes you a very Happy Birthday... We love your music, movies :)
Keep up the Good Work

Happy 31st Birthday Justin Timberlake

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Special Wallpapers for Valentines Day

Valentines Day is about to come, we have collected some of the best wallpapers around the web!
use it in your cards or simply send them to your love ones... Enjoy :)
Happy valentines day in advance -------- Cheers!

Valentines Day Wallpapers
Download this wallpaper

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Gorgeous Irina Shayk Hairstyles

Irina Shayk was born Irina Shaykhlislamova on January 6. Irina Shaykhlislamova born in Yemanzhelinsk, Russia. Irina late father Valeri was of Tatar origin & her mother is Russian. Irina Shayk says that she got her unusual looks from her father, & Irina has said that people often think she is South American.

hot Irina Shayk

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Kim kardashian Hot Sizzling Dress

Kimberly Noel "Kim" Kardashian is an American socialite, television personality, model, actress and businesswoman. She is known for starring in Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the E! reality series that she shares with her family, and its spin-offs including Kourtney and Kim Take New York. Prior to the development of her career as a reality television star, Kardashian gained notoriety as the subject of a sex tape that subsequently resulted in a court awarding her $5 million. She has been involved in the production of several lines of clothing and fragrances. In 2010, she was the highest earning reality star, with estimated earnings of $6 million.

Kim kardashian Hot Sizzling Dress
Kim kardashian Hot Sizzling Dress

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Shakira Wallpapers and Photos

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll known professionally as Shakira, is a Colombian singer-songwriter who emerged in the music scene of Colombia and Latin America in the early 1990s. Born and raised in Barranquilla, Colombia, Shakira began performing in school, demonstrating her vocal ability with rock and roll, Latin and Arabic influences with her own original twist on belly dancing. Shakira is a native Spanish speaker and also speaks fluent English and Portuguese as well as some Italian, French, Catalan and Arabic.

Shakira Wallpapers and Photos

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First Trailer - Aamir Khan’s Talaash

The first trailer of Aamir Khan’s next film, Talaash

First Trailer - Aamir Khan’s Talaash

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Miley Cyrus White Dress Photoshoot

Miley Cyrus Photoshoot in a White Dress

hot miley cyrus

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

4 Cara Ciptakan Bibir Merah Alami

Amin's Blog - Ada banyak faktor yang membuat bibir kusam dan berwarna gelap, diantaranya karena merokok, konsumsi kopi dan teh yang berlebihan, atau make-up dengan kualitas buruk. Jangan dulu khawatir karena bibir gelap dapat diatasi. Tidak dengan perawatan mahal, melainkan dengan beberapa tips alami seperti yang dikutip dari TypeF di bawah ini.

1. Pengelupasan

Minimal seminggu sekali Anda harus mengelupaskan kulit mati di bibir. Caranya, basahkan sikat gigi berbulu halus dan gosokkan dengan perlahan di atas bibir Anda. Lakukan gerakan memutar selama beberapa menit. Untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal, campurkan 1 sendok teh minyak zaitun dan 1 sendok teh garam pada sikat gigi.

2. Warnai Bibir
Cerahkan bibir dengan mengoleskan jus lemon. Setelah itu oleskan sedikit jus beet root atau tomat yang yang sudah berbentuk pasta ke bibir Anda sebelum tidur untuk membuat bibir Anda berwarna pink muda.

3. Buat Lip Balm Sendiri

Cara lain mencegah bibir kering adalah rajin mengaplikasikan lip balm. Campurkan setengah sendok teh madu dan petroleum jelly, kemudian oleskan pada bibir Anda untuk menjaga kelembaban bibir. Jika Anda suka dengan makanan manis, lumaskan jus nanas pada bibir sebelum mengoleskan petroleum jelly. Dan untuk mengurangi bibir pecah-pecah, oleskan selai kacang atau kakao sebelum tidur.

4. Agar Bibir Lebih Tebal dan Berisi

Mengidolakan bibir tebal ala Angelina Jolie atau Rosie Huntington-Whiteley? Anda pun bisa mendapatkannya dengan menggunakan 3 sendok makan cayenne pepper (bubuk cabai cayenne) dan 1 sendok teh bubuk kayu manis. Masukan ke dalam wadah yang bersih lalu aduk dan oleskan pada bibir Anda dengan jari atau sikat. Alternatif lain, oles bibir Anda dengan setetes minyak cengkeh

8 Bahan Alami Hilangkan Bau Badan

Amin's Blog - Percuma kalau wajah sudah cantik rupawan, rambut sudah ditata sempurna dan kulit badan sehat bercahaya tapi tubuhmu mengeluarkan aroma tubuh tidak sedap yang menyebabkan orang–orang disekitarmu menghindar. This is a nightmare. Dan berikut 8 bahan alami untuk megatasi masalah bau badan sehingga kamu bisa tampil cantik dan percaya diri. Keep reading, ladies!
1. Lemon
Selain dapat membantu mengurangi kadar minyak di wajah, zat asam yang cukup tinggi pada lemon juga dapat digunakan untuk mengangkat minyak dan mengurangi bau badan. Gosokkanlah irisan lemon setiap mandi selama 1 menit dan bilas hingga bersih.
2. Daun sirih
Daun sirih ini sudah lama dikenal sebagai antiseptik dan memiliki kandungan kadinen, kavikol dan sineol yang mampu menghilangkan bau badan. Rendamlah beberapa helai daun sirih di dalam air panas dan minumlah setelah dingin.
3. Daun Kemangi
Selain daun sirih, daun kemangi juga memiliki zat yang mengandung antispetik yang mampu mengurangi aroma tidak sedap terutama pada wanita yang sedang mengalami menstruasi. Konsumsillah segenggam daun kemangi pada pagi dan sore hari.
4. Temulawak
Temulawak mengandung minyak asiri, sapomin dan flavoinoida yang dapat menghilangkan bau badan. Rebuslah temulawak yang sudah dipotong kecil–kecil, lalu minumlah air rebusan tersebut. Kamu juga bisa menggunakan temulawak yang sudah diparut dan dicampur dengan madu untuk digoskkan ke daerah ketiak.
5. Jahe
Konon katanya, Jahe adalah bahan yang digunakan oleh orang India untuk menghilangkan bau badan dan dapat membantu mengeluarkan aroma harum dari tubuh mereka. Jadi mulai sekarang mulailah meminum wedang jahe secara teratur agar terhindar dari bau badan.
6. Cuka Apel Sidra
Asam asetat yang terdapat di dalam cuka adalah zat yang dapat membantu membunuh bakteri dan dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti deodoran. Rendamlah kapas ke dalam sari cuka apel lalu gosokkan di daerah ketiak setiap habis mandi.
7. Lobak
Zat–zat yang terkandung dalam lobak dapat membantu mengontrol keringat berlebihan. Parut lobak hingga halus dan gosokkan pada ketiak yang sudah bersih.
8. Mentimun
Sifatnya yang dingin serta kaya akan zat flavonoida dan polifenol dapat mencegah bakteri penyebab bau badan untuk berkembang biak. Kupaslah mentimun muda dan gosokkan pada ketiak sehabis mandi.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Genelia Dsouza Cute Wallpapers

Genelia Dsouza Cute Wallpapers

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Madonna & Cee Lo Green Duet

Madonna & Cee Lo Green Duet

Madonna is rumoured to do a duet with Cee Lo Green during her performance at next month’s Super Bowl, in Indianapolis.

The Gnarls Barkley member has supposedly been travelling to New York to rehearse with the “4 minutes” singer. Rumour has it that new sounds to some of the star’s classic hits will happen when they join forces during the halftime show!

Madge revealed that her 12th studio album, will b titled M.D.N.A, and she will perform alongside MIA and Nikki Minaj the LP’s lead single “Give Me All Your Luvin”.

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Kim Kardashian Red Hot Dress

Kim Kardashian seems to have given up her mourning period. The reality star wore a figure hugging lace dress after her co-hosting duties on "Live! with Kelly" on Monday, and she looked ready to hook a new man. Check out Kim Kardashian Red Hot Dress

Kim Kardashian Red Hot Dress
Kim Kardashian Red Hot Dress

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Best Love Quotes (Display Pictures)

We have Collected Some of the Best Love Quotes, you might Like.
Have a Look at Best Love Quotes (Display Pictures) if you enjoyed these Post, Share it with your Friends

Best Love Quotes

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2012 Latest Fashion Photography

Guillaume Nallet is a Creative Fashion Stylist based in London ,UK. He has done many worldwide advertising campaigns, editorials across the globe. His Work is State of the ART in Fashion World. In 2012 he has made some gorgeous Fashion Photography. Check out 2012 Latest Fashion Photography.

Latest Fashion Photography

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Anne Hathaway Hot Wallpapers

Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress.the world's 50 Most Beautiful People in 2006. XNYS is a Big fan of Anne Hathaway. We have Collected Some of her Best Wallpapers you really like it. Check out Anne Hathaway Hot Wallpapers.

Anne Hathaway Hot Wallpapers

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Evangeline Lilly HD Wallpaper

Evangeline Lilly a Canadian actress, well known as "Kate Austen" in Lost Series.
XNYS Collected her 10 best wallpapers. Check out Evangeline Lilly HD Wallpaper.

Evangeline Lilly Wallpaper

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Nargis Fakhri Hot Wallpapers

Nargis Fakhri is an American fashion model and actress. She made her feature film debut in the Bollywood film, Rockstar. Check Out Nargis Fakhri Hot Wallpapers

Nargis Fakhri Hot Wallpapers

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Sunny Leone at AVN Entertainment Expo 2012

Sunny Leone Attends AVN Entertainment Expo 2012 - Check out the PHOTO GALLERY!
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fashion Designer

This Post is about Fashion Designer
    Fashion Designer
 Fashion Designer
 Fashion Designer
 Fashion Designer
 Fashion Designer

Designer Fashion

This Blog Post is about Designer Fashion                                                                                                                                                                  
Designer Fashion
Designer Fashion
Designer Fashion
 Designer Fashion

Ladies Fashion

This Blog is post about Ladies Fashion   
   Ladies Fashion                                                             
 Ladies Fashion
Ladies Fashion
Ladies Fashion
 Ladies Fashion
 Ladies Fashion
Ladies Fashion
Ladies Fashion 
Ladies Fashion
Ladies Fashion
Ladies Fashion

Online Fashion

This Blog is about Online Fashion          
Online Fashion                                                  
 Online Fashion
 Online Fashion
 Online Fashion
 Online Fashion
 Online Fashion
 Online Fashion
 Online Fashion
 Online Fashion
Online Fashion